The Circuit of the Year End Bash
After the announcement that the Fuel Speedway will be expanding, it was also announced that the next pay-per-view would be called the YEAR END BASH and would take place in 2 weeks times — instead of the usual 4 weeks in an effort to allow the F-X racers to have a Christmas Holiday.
As such, the YEAR END BASH has become highly anticipated as it will serve as a mid-season finale of sorts. Everything about it is hotly anticipated so it was a thrill when the YEAR END BASH circuit was released a mere 8 days after the previous PPV, Show-Down.
During the announcement for this new circuit, it was revealed that the circuit will be a precursor to the new Fuel Speedway as not only a means to foreshadow the facelift to Fuel’s new home circuit but also to test the waters so to speak and see how the fan base reacts to the nature of F-X racers driving around an L.
The track will see a return to the outskirts of the city of Ngelosi as it seems to bend around the location of Show-Down’s track. There is a notable and extreme kink on the northern most side which should definitely test the skills of all the drivers on the racecard.
While it didn’t receive it immediately, the track eventually earned its nickname on Monday Night Fuel and is affectionately known as “the elbow” due to it’s very elaborate bend from a Northerly/Southerly direction to a Westerly/Easterly direction.
It’s hard to say which racers have an advantage on this type of track but whoever manages to come out on top will surely look to rule the Fuel Speedway.